3-Chord Hymns for Guitar Play 30 Hymns with 3 Easy Chords! (HL00703084)
3-Chord Hymns for Guitar
Play 30 Hymns with 3 Easy Chords!
More than two dozen sacred favorites that guitarists can play knowing just the G, C & D chords! Includes: Amazing Grace • For the Beauty of the Earth • Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee • O Worship the King • Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us • This Is My Father's World • What a Friend We Have in Jesus • and more!
Format: Softcover
32 pages
- Amazing Grace
- At The Cross (Tune Name: HUDSON)
- Battle Hymn Of The Republic (Tune Name: BATTLE HYMN)
- Bringing In The Sheaves (Tune Name: HARVEST)
- Come, Christians, Join To Sing (Tune Name: MADRID)
- Faith Of Our Fathers (Tune Name: ST. CATHERINE)
- For The Beauty Of The Earth (Tune Name: DIX)
- God Of Grace And God Of Glory (Tune Name: CWM RHONDDA)
- How Firm a Foundation (Tune Name: FOUNDATION)
- I Am Thine, O Lord (Tune Name: I AM THINE)
- I Sing The Mighty Power Of God (Tune Name: ELLACOMBE)
- I Surrender All (Tune Name: SURRENDER)
- Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross (Tune Name: NEAR THE CROSS)
- Jesus Loves Me (Tune Name: CHINA)
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Tune Name: HYMN TO JOY)
- Leaning On The Everlasting Arms (Tune Name: SHOWALTER)
- My Jesus, I Love Thee (Tune Name: GORDON)
- Nearer, My God, To Thee (Tune Name: BETHANY)
- O Worship The King (Tune Name: LYONS)
- The Old Rugged Cross (Tune Name: OLD RUGGED CROSS)
- Praise To The Lord, The Almighty (Tune Name: LOBE DEN HERREN)
- Rock Of Ages (Tune Name: TOPLADY)
- Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us (Tune Name: BRADBURY)
- Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (Tune Name: WEBB)
- Standing On The Promises (Tune Name: PROMISES)
- Take My Life And Let It Be (Tune Name: HENDON)
- This Is My Father's World (Tune Name: TERRA BEATA)
- 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (Tune Name: TRUST IN JESUS)
- What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Tune Name: CONVERSE)
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Tune Name: HAMBURG)