Homespun Contest Fiddling Championship Style (DVDOCCFI21)
When this lesson was recorded in 1984, Mark O’Connor was just 22 years old and was already a winner of multiple fiddle championships. His musicianship, skill and advanced musical ideas are much in evidence as he slows down his impeccable technique for aspiring players.
This lesson will show you the finer points of Mark’s remarkable fiddle style. He lets you in on his personal bowing and fingering preferences and shares valuable championship-winning secrets to help make you a better player and performer.
Mark teaches you how to play three classic tunes that you might use in a jam session or a fiddle contest: A breakdown (Wild Fiddler’s Rag); a waltz (Skater’s Waltz); and a “tune of choice,” (Soppin’ the Gravy). Whether you’re a novice fiddler or a contest winner yourself, you’ll be glad you took this rare opportunity to learn from a master!
Extra! Watch Mark perform with a top Nashville band and see him play just as he would in a Texas-style fiddle contest. His extended version of Soppin’ the Gravy, with several hot improvised variations, is a real show-stopper!