Homespun The Tony Rice Guitar Method (CDLGLAET)
In a wide-ranging and detailed session, Tony Rice demonstrates his world-famous technique, gives invaluable advice, analyzes some of his best-known pieces and discusses his style, influences, guitars and favorite players. This exceptionally rich two-part set is filled with fascinating conversation and the amazing playing we've all come to expect from this master picker. Tony has geared this lesson so that aspiring players at all levels can learn important techniques and benefit from his vast musical experience.
You'll gain insights into important elements, such as Tony's method for getting his guitar in tune, how he warms up for a show, the correct way to put on a capo, proper left hand fretting technique, advice about speed and dexterity, the secrets of Tony's guitar micing and how he plays some of his signature licks.
Tony plays and breaks down some relatively easy songs, including The Last Thing on My Mind, Bury Me Beneath the Willow and Wildwood Flower, showing how these country-folk standards can evolve from basic Carter Family style to an arrangement utilizing Tony's unique embellishments. You'll see, up close, the details of his right hand technique- his fluidity of motion and how he holds the pick, adjusting its angle to give him his trademark cross-picking sound.
Clarence White was Tony's first major influence, and he relates how his own sound was derived from the rhythm patterns and licks of his early idol. He slows down astonishing solos they each played on Nine Pound Hammer, and describes the scales he uses for his improvisations both in basic G position and up the neck. Tony also discusses Doc Watson's powerful role in his musical development, launching into an exploration of fiddle tunes Stony Lonesome and Billy in the Lowground.
Tony Rice's uniquely beautiful ballad arrangements of Shenandoah and Danny Boy (both in dropped D tuning) combine chord-melody style, improvised scales, the use of harmonics and other lyrical techniques that will give you endless pleasure in guitar exploration. Wyatt Rice then joins his brother in a demonstration of how to play minor key tunes Little Sadie and Jerusalem Ridge. Finally, Tony uses Salt Creek to demonstrate his highly regarded back up technique, with Wyatt playing lead. The brothers then go out with a version of the classic I Am a Pilgrim to finish the set.
This extended lesson by one of acoustic music's most admired and innovative guitarists will bring new skills and creativity to your playing, and will provide hours of fun as you work your way through these great pieces.